デザインと感性工学 International Conference on Kansei Engineering and Emotion Research 2007
Conference Report

" Keynote Speech " in Kaderu 2.7

Paul Hekkert
" The product as a mediator: Understanding and designing for experience "

Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands
President, Design & Emotion Society

 President, Design & Emotion Society の Paul Hekkert 氏が「The product as a mediator : Understanding and designing for experience」と題し、コーヒーメーカーの音から感じられる印象などの解りやすい具体事例を挙げながら、経験をキーワードにしたデザイン戦略に関してご講演下さいました。

Day 1 (10th)

Day 2 (11th)

  • Parallel Sessions-3
  • Parallel Sessions-4
  • Plenary Speech-2
  • Parallel Sessions-5
  • Parallel Sessions-6

Day 3 (12th)