









2017冬季アジア札幌大会支援企画 ANBD特別コラボポスター展



植原亮輔 Ryosuke Uehara

KIGI Co.,Ltd. アートディレクター
多摩美術大学デザイン学科(テキスタイル)卒業。グラフィックデザイン会社のドラフトを経て、2012年に渡邉良重とともにKIGIを設立。主な仕事にPASS THE BATONやシアタープロダクツなどのアートディレクション、D-BROSの商品開発等。また滋賀県の伝統工芸の職人達とブランドKIKOFを立上げたり、デザインワークの流れの中で作品制作をして展覧会をするなど、クリエイションの新しいあり方を探し、生み出し続けている。
2015年夏、東京・白金にキギのプロダクト等がならぶショップ&ギャラリーOUR FAVOURITE SHOPをオープンさせた。東京ADCグランプリ、第11回亀倉雄策賞、JAGDA賞、NYADC金賞(米)、ONE SHOW DESIGN金賞 (米)ほか受賞。マガジンスタイルの作品集『KIGI_M』を出版(リトルモア刊)。近年の作品展は、「KIGI EXHIBITION in FUKUOKA」(福岡:三菱地所アルティアム/2015.12~2016.1)、「KIGI キギ in Clematis no Oka」(静岡:クレマチスの丘ヴァンジ彫刻庭園美術館/2016.4~7)など。ウェブサイト www.ki-gi.com

工藤 “ワビ” 良平 Kudo“WABI” Ryohei

北海道綜合美術専門学校卒業。デザインプロダクション、広告代理店を経て2010年、デザ院株式会社を設立。1999年、中西 “サビ”一志とのデザインコンビ「ワビサビ」を結成。アドバタイジングから、グラフィックデザイン、オブジェ、映像、インテリア、ファッションまで多方面での制作活動を行っている。85TH NYADC銀賞(米)、86TH NYADC、MERIT賞(米)、世界ポスタートリエンナーレトヤマ2006 金賞、台北国際ポスターフェスティバル銅賞、ショーモンポスターフェスティバル(仏)入選、ラハティポスタービエンナーレ(フィンランド)入選、D&AD FACE TO WATCH 2009、第1回東京ミッドタウンアワードデザイン部門準グランプリ、JAGDA賞、北海道広告業協会賞、栗谷川健一賞ほか受賞。

寺島賢幸 Masayuki Terashima

北海道造形デザイン専門学校卒業後、地元広告代理店を経て1992年、有限会社寺島デザイン制作室設立。おもに北海道のクライアントのブランディングを中心に、広告などグラフィックデザイン全般を手がけている。特に北海道の農産物を使った加工食品のパッケージデザインに力を注いでいる。日本グラフィックデザイナー協会新人賞、台湾国際ポスターアワード金賞、中国グラフィックデザインアワード商業部門ベストアワード、NYADC 銅賞(米)、NYフェスティバル 銅賞(米)、香港国際ポスタートリエンナーレ 銅賞、ショーモンポスターフェスティバル(仏)3位、シカゴ国際ポスタービエンナーレ タイポグラフィ賞ほか受賞。参加展覧会/日本ースイス展(2014 スイス)、深圳ポスターフェスティバル(2015 中国)ほか。ウェブサイト http://www.tera-d.net

西川潔 Kiyoshi Nishikawa

博士(デザイン学) 筑波大学名誉教授
1946年 神奈川県生まれ 
1971年 東京教育大学大学院教育学研究科 構成専攻 修了  現在 銘伝大学客員教授(台湾) 台南科技大学大学改革委員会相談役 2010〜2012 副学長 筑波大学 1996〜2010 教授 筑波大学芸術専門学系・人間総合科学研究科(視覚伝達デザイン) ■2016「医療施設のためのサイン計画デザインマニュアル」中国語版(2002日本語版・学芸出版)■2015 「広告景観」ぎょうせい ■2014〜2016 ひたち医療センター サイン・アート計画 ■2013 東京都立健康長寿医療センター サイン・アート計画ディレクション ■2011 つくば市サイン計画(日本デザイン学会作品賞)■2006 「屋外広告のデザイン」ぎょうせい(監修・分担執筆)■1998「ビレッジ・サイン」玉川大学出版部(共著) 日本デザイン学会 名誉会員 基礎デザイン学会 理事

James Chen

Resume: Winner of many awards and accolades in domestic and international Winner of many awards and accolades in domestic and international design competitions. Possesses depth and breadth of experience in branding, design and the promotion of culture in creativity. Highly observant and intuitive with a talent for translating visual interpretation and showcasing eastern culture in all its glory. Current company:Magic Creative Design Position: Creative Director Year of birth & birth place:1967 Taiwan yilan county Graduated from:Jinwen University of Science and Technology, Graduate Program in Digital, Cultural and Creative Design, Department of Visual Communication Design Experience:Taiwan Graphic Design Association Honorary President. Magic Creative Design Creative Director. Chungyu Institute of Technology, The Department of Visual Communication Design. assistant professor. Taiwan External Trade Development Council (TAITRA) Branding Taiwan . Lecturer. Award: 2014 red dot award: communication design. Golden Award of Poster Design. Taiwan International Graphic Design Award 2014, 2012. IF award: communication design 2012-3 Design Prizes, 2013 red dot award: communication design 2013-3 Design Prizes. International Visual Design 2013-Golden award of Graphic Design. Golden Award of Poster Design .Taiwan International Graphic Design Award 2010. Taiwan OTOP Packing design Award 2015、2011、2009、2008. GOOD DESIGN PRODUCT CI Design 2009-9 Prizes" Association: Taiwan Graphic Design Association
Website: www.magic868.com.tw

Janson Tsai

Since 1993, the design creation also have more 20 years, review the creation course although not beautiful, but also set up their own form of expression and creation of style, can also apply the academic theory in the creation of practice, expect such creative energy, can be like my idol Kazumasa Nagai Japanese designer one are the same.
Current company: JINWEN UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY Position: Associate Professor Year of birth & birth place: 1957 Taiwan Keelung City Graduated from "National Taiwan University of Science and Technology Experience: Jinwen University of Science & Technology Dept. of Visual Communication Design Associate Professor. Taiwan Society of Basic Design and Art, member of a council. Taiwan Poster Design Association, Executive director. Graphic Design Association of Republic of China, Supervisor. 2016, the 25th times advertising Jin Du award. Graphic design group preliminary review committee, Review. 2016 Republic of China kitchenware creative design < beautiful kitchen prize >, competition to competition, - Review. 2015 Taiwan Youth - New Year Awards - Cultural & Creative Design Competition, graphic design, Review. 2015 annual Taipei Upper Secondary School Students in Elite Award - Design of integrated marketing class - convener, Competition referee. Award: 2015Asia Network Beyond Design-ANBD EXCELLENT AWARD(2015.09.20,China). 2013Asia Network Beyond Design-ANBD EXCELLENT AWARD(2013.11.15,Korea.Seoul). 2013Taipei International Digital Awards-Digital Graphic Design Group-Honorable Mention( 2013.11.15,Taiwan.Taipei). 2012 International Poster Triennial in Toyama-selected(2012.6.9,Japan.Toyama). 2008Asia Network Beyond Design-the Best Award(2008.10,China TianJin). 2008 Taiwan Visual Design Award-Behaviour Image Category -Gold Award(2008/11,Taiwan). Association: Taiwan Society of Basic Design and Art. Taiwan Poster Design Association

Ko, Kai-Jen

There are lots of paper presentation to evaluated the design, concept formation, and verify the design results using MDS (Multidimensional scaling analysis) for characteristics and scale of the project, it could avoid the loss or risk of design. The found of Design knowledge could more scientific and systematic combined with practical experience and theoretical. He teaching for undergraduate and graduate school as the main, and industry cooperation and sandwich course for the auxiliary, less involved in the competition. He has held four times solo exhibition on design. He thought the various examples and description previously are specific actions for Taiwan’s social, disaster areas, the weak and the enterprise, who he is as a designer or professor. Tear of Birth: 1956 Education: M.Des., National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Taiwan Position: Assistant Professor,Department of Digital Content Technology, National Taichung University of Education, Taiwan Awards:*2014: National Taichung University of Education_creative design_Unit of textbooks_The Best Award. *2013: National Taichung University of Education_creative design_Systematic of Textbook_The Best Award. *2011: Asia Network beyond Design_Excellent Awards. *2009: Asia Network beyond Design_Excellent Awards. *2008: 3rd Annual Taiwan OTOP (One Town One Product)Tour Planning Award_Excellent Awards. *2006: 1st AnnualTaiwan OTOP (One Town One Product) Tour Planning Award_ The Best Design Awards. *2004: Project of 921 earthquake local industry promotion, Ministry of Culture_ First Prize BrandIntegration Project of Atayal Dyeing Cultural Park. *2002: Project of 921 earthquake local industry promotion, Ministry of Culture _ Quality Award _ Project of local industry promotion for Shitan (Miaoli, Taiwan)
Membership: Taiwan Society of Basic Design and Art, President (2014 - 2018)
e-mail address: kook888@yahoo.com

Ying Fa Wang

Resume: Exclusive Director of Victor Branding Design, a cross-territory designer who, in his over 20‬years’designing life, constantly proposed different insights and strategies through observation to bring clients and the brand new perspective. He is an expert in brand positioning, brand strategy, identity design, packing design, graphic design, design management, visual planning design, and so on. and Also be a record and toys collector for over 20 years.‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬ Current company: Victor Branding Design Corp., Position: Exclusive Director of Victor Branding Design Year of birth & birth place: in1966. and born in Taichung. Graduated from: Master degree in The Department of Commercial Design of NUTC Experience: Adjunct Associate Professor in The Department of Commercial Design of NUTC Award: 2016 Brain Magazine Outstanding design company. 2015 Taiwan International Poster Design Award. 2015 Taiwan Golden Pin Design Award. 2015 Taiwan OTOP Product Design Awards. 2014 Japan Good Design Award. 2014 Asia Successful Design Award,Most Successful Design Award Winner. 2014 Belgium Pentawards Design Award. 2014 DFA Design For Asia Awards. 2013 Brain Magazine Outstanding design company. 2013 Germany Red Dot Design Award. 2013 Germany iF Design Award"
Association: Taiwan Package Design Association、Taichung Advertisement Design Association
Website http://www.victad.com.tw/

Min Chung

Year of birth & birth place:1971, Jinhae-si
Graduated from: Hong-Ik University, Visual Communication Design
Current Company & Position : Hoseo University
Experience and Award: Chief of Design Part. KBSi. 2005-2006. Creative Director. Ohnew. Communications. 2006-2011. The lecture-only professors. Hanyang University. 2009-2011. Creative Director. studio VAO. 2011-2015. ANBD Excellent Awards. 2011 Association: ANBD (Asia Network Beyond Design). KSDA (Korea Society of Design & Art) Executive director. BDAK (Brand Design Association of Korea). VIDAK(Visual Information Design Association of Korea)
Website: http://www.skyprop.com/
E-mail: skyprop@gmail.com

Seo dong Keun

Year of birth & birth place:March1958 Born in Seoul
Graduated from:German National Berlin University of the Arts Department of Industrial Designgraduate/ UDK, Designer. Wuppertal,Germany, National University Department of Industrial Design graduate/ Dimplom Designer. Kyunghee University's PhD Certificatemolding design
Current Company & Position: Professor Sangmyung University.
Experience and Award: Basic DesignAssociationInternational Conference2015/Best Picture award. 2014Basic Design Award. Best Picture Association International Conference
Association: Basic DesignSociety of Koreaserved as VicePresident. Seoul
Design Foundation Consultant. Design Korea Policy Institute Director
Mail: seo49@smu.ac.kr


Year of birth & birth place: 1960, Born in Seoul Korea
Graduated from: the Dept. of Sculpture, College of Fine Arts, Seoul National University (B.F.A.)
Graduated from Graduate school, Seoul National University (M.F.A.). Studied in Accademia belle Arti di Roma, Italy. Studied in Accademia belle Arti di Milano, Italy. Visiting scholar in Tokyo University of Art
Current Company & Position: Korea national university of cultural heritage
Experience & Award:
2012 The excellence prize in Korean Society of Basics Art and Desi
2010 The excellence prize in MANIF
2009 The special prize in Korean Society of Basics Art and Design
2005 The excellence prize in Korean Society of Basics Art and Design
1992 The topfirst prize in JungAng Grand Fine art Exhibition
Association: Present
Member of Korean Fine Arts Association, Seoul Sculptors Society,
Professional Members of Cultural Assets, Curtural Heritage Administration of Korea
Professor, Korean National Univ. of Curtural Heritage
E-mail: joon1108@hanmail.net

Yoo Hyun-Ah

Year of birth & birth place: 1966, Seoul
Graduated from: Master of Science Philadelphia University (USA), Bachelor of Fine Arts Sangmyung Women's University
Current Company & Position: Professor / Sangmyung University / Dept. of Interdisciplinary Art
11th Solo Exhibition (Seoul, China, Japan, Taiwan, Russia)
To take part in Exhibitions For Associations ( Korea & Overseas)
vice-chairman of Korea Society of basic Design & Art
Member of The Korea Contents Association
Member of Asia Network Beyond Design
Professor/ Chungkang College of Cultural Industries
Company of Info Vision / Advisory commissioner For Technique
Internship in Jack Larsen Company. (USA)
Judge‘s History:
-. Juror of The Modern Craft Competition in Korean fine arts association
-. Juror of Korean Craft association Competition
-. Juror of The Sculpture Competition in Korea Land & Housing Corporation
ANBD(Asia Network Beyond Design)
Basic DesignSociety of Koreaserved as VicePresident
E-mail: yha@smu.ac.kr, yha@smu.ac.kr.

Guo Zhenshan

Guo Zhenshan, born November 1964, was graduated from the Art Institute of Suzhou University and awarded his master degree as a design major at the same time. now he serves as a professor and master tutor in Tianjin Academy of Fine Arts. Professor Guo has designed the mascots and poster for “the Ninth University Games of the People’s Republic of China” and “the Sixth East Asian Games” which won the first prize and were adopted. His design of the emblem for “the 34th World Gymnastics Championships” won the first prize. And he has won the nomination of the 12th National Excellent Art Works. His poster “Guo nan xing bang” won the excellence award of the11th National Arts Exhibition and the first China Art Creation Award. His watercolor painting “Bian zou” has won the nomination of the 12th National Excellent Art Works and he has won the prize at the 10th, the 11th, and the 12th Session of Tianjin District of the National Art Exhibition. Currently he enjoys the following titles and honors: the member of Art Committee of the Ministry of Education, the Graphic Art Committee Member of Chinese Artists Association, the deputy director of China Packaging Technology Association, the member of China Artists Association, the discipline leader (design major) in Tianjin’s universities, deputy President, professor and master tutor of Tianjin Academy of Fine Arts. He is also titled as the talent of the Best Works Award in Tianjin cultural system, the deputy director of Tianjin Packaging Technology Association, and the art worker “excellent in both morality and profession” of Tianjin Youth.
E-MAIL: 624088625@qq.com.

Xue Ming

Xue Ming, born January 1963, was graduated from Tianjin Academy of Fine Arts and awarded his bachelor degree as a design major at the same time. Now he serves as a professor and master tutor in Tianjin Academy of Fine Arts. He has engaged in theoretical and practical research on graphic design and advertising design, edited the textbook《Design and Process》schemed by the “Art Department of State Education Commission” and published his monograph《Road to Design》. Currently he is the member of Design Department of China Packaging Technology Association, the deputy director of Design Committee of Tianjin Packaging Technology Association, and the deputy director of Academic Committee of Tianjin Academy of Fine Arts.
E-MAIL: xueming0000@163.com.

Su dawei

Su Dawei, literary name Honglin, born August 17, 1975, was graduated from Design Institute of Jilin University of Arts, and researched on visual application. Now he is an associate professor and master tutor of Jilin University of Arts. He has directed and participated in more than 20 academic projects and published more than 10 papers at all levels. He mainly teaches these courses: Brand design, Commercial graphic advertisements; his more than two hundred award-winning works were archived into “《Chinese design yearbook》”, of which he won the gold and bronze awards of binding and illustration categories of 2008 China Design Star Art Award and the bronze award of 2013 China Design Star Art Award and Brand category of National Packaging Design,etc. His works have been exhibited and published at home and abroad for many times. Now he enjoys the following titles: the standing vice President/general secretary of Jilin Creative Industry Association, the deputy secretary-general of Jilin Architectural Culture Research Association; the tutor for Jilin Youth Entrepreneurship Project, the member of Design Department of China Packaging Technology Association,the member of CCII, the founder and director of Jilin International and Creative Industries Research Center, the creative director & Chairman of Murch (Hong Kong) Brand Design Consultants Co., Ltd./Murch (Changchun) cultural and Creative Consultant Co., Ltd. , the senior operating expert of cultural and creative industry agglomeration area, the member of Expert Advisory Group of Jilin Brand, “2011 Jilin Creative Career Pioneer”, the execution designer and commander in chief of Jilin demonstration for China 50th anniversary celebrations, the main designer of the visual design for the Twelfth PRC winter games, and the visual communication counselor and leading designer of the Asia Pacific Smart Agriculture and food Safety Demonstration Zone of the the United Nations Office for Project Services.
E-MAIL: 114297317@qq.com.

Wu Yibo

Wu Yibo, born November 19, 1977, was graduated from China Central Academy of Fine Arts and awarded her PhD at the same time. She has mainly focused on theoretical and practical research of visual communication design. Now she is an associate professor and master tutor of Jilin University of Arts, and the director of Visual Communication Department of Design Institute of Jilin University of Arts.Her major design works include the following: the visual design for Jilin Museum of 2010 Shanghai World Expo, the visual design for the 12th PRC Winter Games. And she has been awarded the following: the bronze award of the 2013 China Star Art Prize, the second prize of 2014 Chinese Art Design Competition of Chinese colleges and universities, etc. Her works have been shown at the “Gongzhen” exhibition of 2015 Beijing Yuandian Gallery and “Work Exhibition of 14 Chinese Design Artists 2016” in South Korea. Now she is a member of Design Department of China Packaging Technology Association, the member of Jilin Artists Association and the deputy director of its Art Design Committee, and the researcher of the Institute of Arts and letters of China Central Academy of Fine Arts.
E-MAIL: 264115769@qq.com.


Chinese GB

Chinese Big5




特別展のエントリーの締め切りを 2016年10月20日(木)に延期しました。
それに伴い、特別展の作品データ投稿締切日を10月31日(月)、 特別展、個展の参加費支払い日を10月31日(月)に延期しました。

個展のエントリーの締め切りを 2016年10月20日(木)に延期しました。
