デザインと感性工学 International Conference on Kansei Engineering and Emotion Research 2007
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Topics | Call for Papers | Presentations | EXhibition | Registration
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Call for Papers

May. 1. 2007 Call for paper
Jun.25. 2007 Deadline for Abstract submission
Jun.30. 2007 Selection of Abstract
Jul.30. 2007 Deadline for Full paper submission
Aug.17. 2007 Selection of Full paper
Sep. 13. 2007 Deadline for Final paper submission

Submission of Abstract

Abstract submission was closed.

Submission of Full paper

Abstract full paper was closed.

Instructions for Final paper

  1. Purpose
    The KEER2007 will accept any papers motivated by general interest in Kansei engineering and Emotion research, regardless of the field, topic and method. Please write your thesis in ways that readers outside engineering fields can also understand.
  2. Submission of Manuscripts
    Submit with complete paper composed by Word or PDF format, including figures, tables and pictures, via the full paper submission form page. The submitted data should be less than 3MB. You can download the sample of paper at the page of Section 5: [Text].
  3. General
    Article should be written in clear and concise English. Also should be edited in A4 size format as explained in the following
    sections. Text, figures and tables must be in good quality but not be in enormous data size. For text, 4000 words are maximum (not including abstract) to be allowed. And, the paper data should not be bigger than 3MB including abstract, all figures, tables, and references.
  4. Abstract
    A self contained abstract should be a concise summary of the whole paper. Do not write just the conclusion as the abstract. Abstract should be written in approximately 250 words understandable without reference to the body article. It should not contain any citation from other published work. Further, please include up to 5 key words that describe your paper for indexing purposes.
  5. Text
    Follow this order when typing manuscripts: Title, Authors, Affiliations, Abstract, Keywords, Main text (Introduction, Method, Results and Discussions, and then Conclusions), Acknowledgment, Appendix, References. Concretely, manuscripts should in general be organized as follows:
    1. Page margins:
      The margins of the top, the bottom, the left and the right should be 20mm, respectively.
    2. Font:
      All letters should be written with Times (New) Roman font.
    3. First page:
      1. Title : 18 point, the first letter of major words need to be capitalized ,single column, aligned in center
      2. Subtitle : 12 point, single column, aligned in center
      3. Names of authors : 12 point, single column, aligned in center
      4. Affiliations & mailing addresses : 9 point, written in Italic letters, aligned in center, the margins of the left and right are 30 mm each; All line spacing to be single
      5. Abstract : 9 point, the margins of the left and right are 30 mm each; All line spacing to be 1.5 times the font size.
      6. Keywords : 3-5 words, 9 point, written in Italic letters, aligned to the left margin
      7. Layout elements, first page (figures in brackets represent distance from top of page to top of layout element):
        - Title (20mm)
        - Subtitle (40mm)
        - Authors' name(55mm)
        - Affiliation of First author (70mm)
        - Abstract (115mm)
    4. Body text : 10 point; Double column, all line spacing to be 1.5 times the font size. ; First line of paragraphs to be indented 5mm.
    5. Titles : written in bold letters, aligned to the left side of column. Authors should make generous use of section and subsection titles, numbered consecutively (1., 1.1.,1.2.,2.,etc.), to enable the reader to identify the portions of their interest. The titles should be written with bold letters which are 10 point size and should be aligned with the left side of each column.
    6. Sample files:
      MS Word -form of Paper
      PDF-form of Paper
  6. References
    References should be cited in the text by number within square brackets (e.g. [1], [1,2], [3-8] ) and listed at the end of the paper in the order in which they appear in the text. All references must be complete and accurate. References should be listed in the following style:
    1. Jim WG, Cheung YK, Zienkiewicz OC. Trefftz method for Kirchhoff plate bending problems. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 36(5), 765-781 (1991). 
    2. Reismann H. Elastic Plates: Theory and Application, Wiley, New York, 1-10 (1998). 
  7. Illustrations
    All figures are to have a caption with bold letters which are 9 point size, and should be numbered consecutively. The figure caption should be typed below the illustration, aligned to the left side of the illustration. They should be embedded in the manuscript, and should be adequately included within the text. They should keep the above-mentioned margins.
  8. Tables
    Tables should be numbered consecutively and given a suitable caption and should be adequately embedded in the text. The table caption should be typed above the table, aligned to the left side of the table. Tables should keep within the margins. Large tables should be avoided. If there is a large volume of data to be presented, an attempt should be made to divide these over two or more tables. Each table should have a brief and self-explanatory title with bold letters which are 9 point size. Column headings should be brief, but sufficiently explanatory. Vertical lines should not be used to separate columns. Leave some extra space between the columns instead.
  9. Final paper submission:

What's New / Updated

Important Dates

 Conference period
  End of Earlybird Registration Fee
 Deadline for Final paper submission
 Selection of Full paper
 Deadline for Full paper submission
 Selection of Abstract
 Deadline for Abstract submission